Formula Brand & Digital

Almost without exception, organizations today are dealing with digital transformation and brand management - but only a minority consider themselves to be sufficiently digitally mature. Our survey of managers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland revealed a clear mandate, which is also supported by other studies and contributions: it is time to finally devote sufficient attention to the task, starting with top management, and to integrate both topics into the corporate strategy. Today, we want to take a closer look at the related implications.

We have been surveying managers since Q3 on the state of digital & brand maturity in their companies. While almost all of them agree to be affected by the digital transformation, only about 1/3 see their own digital maturity level as sufficient.
The key findings are that the brand is recognized as an asset in competition and digital is seen as an enabler - but in many cases the vision, strategy and structure are missing. The ability to transform as the key to success is determined by the appropriate commitment of top management and the corresponding corporate culture. The managers surveyed revealed existing deficiencies with surprising clarity, but also very positive examples - particularly in the case of bold management teams or innovation-driving owners within the companies.
Download the entire study for free here.

German version can be downloaded here.

> 8-point checklist on p. 26!


Granular brand involvement


Achieving digital-focused brand leadership