Enable agile brand management

June `21 Issue

A recent study (Weill et al./MIT Sloan 2021) clearly shows that companies with digitally savvy management are significantly more successful than laggards - their growth rate is 48% higher. The survey took place among 1984 large companies worldwide and also found that only 1 in 4 CEOs and only 1 in 8 CFOs have the required digital skills. Leadership, methods and business models are cited as decisive criteria - digitally savvy top teams also lead better through digital transformation.
We want to go a step further here and recommend bundling strategic, digital and brand management skills in one management team. In addition to a well-synchronizable team with sufficient pragmatism, with the aforementioned skills, it also needs a "hands-on" mentality to get to a successful realization. The "Enable" area thus forms the team aspect in our 4-part "Brand Impact Center", which we have defined in terms of optimal practice transfer:

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Achieve digital brand leadership


Establishment of a brand impact model in the company