Establishment of a brand impact model in the company

May `21 Issue

According to a recent international study (Vanson Bourne) of 1,600 marketing professionals, 50% of companies are accelerating their digital transformation and digital user interface initiatives in 2021. The pandemic has accelerated the transformation of marketing. In another study (Sapio) on e-commerce in the manufacturing industry, there is a strong increase in online sales compared to 2017 - by +17% for own online sales and even +37% for online marketplaces. The main challenges cited include directing online traffic or internal company resistance.
What does all this have to do with the business management level and brand management? We need a comprehensive understanding of brand management in the age of digitalization. This involves decisions regarding market development, infrastructure, technology, data management, customer experience, and most importantly: corporate culture. In 2019, the Journal of Marketing, after analyzing over 64,000 executive biographies from S&P 1500 companies, found that only 2.6% of them had marketing experience. A first step to build the necessary competence could be the implementation of a brand impact model, such as the one we propose:

Click here to discover the model.


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